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Monkey D. Fun

CEO, Monkey D. Fun
Contact Info
  • +321 654 - 6821
  • 28 Watchung Ave Belleville, New Jersey, USA
  • Mon - Fri: 7am to 7pm
    Sat - Sun: 8am to 6pm

From the commitment of our Team that have been experience in advertising media industry for more than 15 years
and now the time for us to evolving into AdHub company with the idea of to become the largest online Advertising center in Thailand.

Adhub platform allows all buyers to find best advertising spot from various seller with many range of price and many type of advertising media.
And for seller to get more buyer to expand their business and get more profit or income.

Adhub platform makes buyer and seller easy to trade ads in this modern era, equipped with an AI system that is a way of working and connected to a deep database.

The AdHub platform offers a variety of advertising type and Adhub is the biggest Advertising spot in Thailand that cover all every province of Thailand. 

Wherever customers stay, they can purchase/sell ads media to meet their target. They can buy/sell media by using their phone and easy to use. And also don’t waste time traveling, save money and best value in the digital age

Type of Media that AdHub Offer is:

1.FIXED ADS Fixed media such as 

Billboard, Mini billboard, Banner, High Building, In Mall media, Interactive sign, Point of sale, Guerilla Advertising. Shops spot, Sport-Stadium-Gym, House or Townhouse, Land, Local Market, School or University. Hospital or Clinic, Food court, Carpark, Airport or Station, Global network, Transportation center, MRT or BTS, TV show or Youtube,  Others(Please specify)

Because Adhub have all advertising space across all provinces of Thailand. We provide all Selectable ad spots based on target audience. 

From small signs to large billboard. And will be installed with the best location that attract many viewers. With Design & high Quality Printing that will be make your ad memorable. & you will get many sales because of that.

2.MOVING ADS is moving or Mobile advertising media such as cars, motorcycles, buses, taxis, boats or anything that moves and can display advertisements. 

Moving ads are advertisements that can COME to the target audience precisely. Because it can move to the areas that buyer want to communicate with advertisements or To create awareness and Generate sales It truly meets the target audience. 

3.DIGITAL ADS is advertising media that is a digital screen format. That can be displayed in both images and videos. This helps to communicate clearly with the target audience , easy to understand and enhances the image of the product to look modern. And can also distribute digital advertising communications throughout the country.

Digital advertising is consist of all kind Digital LED that at the outdoor, indoor, event, MRT BTS and other locations.

Adhub is a hub for interested people to earn income from joining platforms to use media to promote products and to brand owners. Choose the area for product promotion by yourself.

adhub provides an opportunity for people who are interested to join the platform by using free space like a car. motorcycle Or buildings, walls, buildings to be useful It is an additional channel for generating income.

Adhub is a platform with intense advertising tool where both buyers and sellers of advertising materials meet and facilitate easy, neck to neck trading.

Adhub provide training for new seller and teach them how to maximize the use of Adhub Platform. Teach them to become big player in advertising industry. 

Follow us at facebook to get new update about training, Media and tips & tricks of advertising industry. Adhub have all kind social media channel And at can reach us at the AdHub website

Contact us

Download application “Adhub” at Ios & Android

Mobile phone



Line OA:@adhubmedia


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Billboard Krabi, Billboard Chumphon, Billboard Trang, Billboard Nakhon Si Thammarat, Billboard Narathiwat, Billboard Pattani, Billboard Phangnga, Billboard Phatthalung, Billboard Phuket, Billboard Ranong. Billboard Satun, Billboard Songkhla, Billboard Surat Thani, Billboard Yala, Billboard Chiang Rai, Billboard Chiang Mai, Billboard Nan, Billboard Phayao, Billboard Phrae, Billboard Mae Hong Son, Billboard Lampang, Billboard Lamphun, Billboard Uttaradit. Billboard Kalasin. Billboard Khon Kaen, Billboard Chaiyaphum, Billboard Nakhon Phanom, Billboard Nakhon Ratchasima, Billboard Bueng kan, Billboard Buri Ram, Billboard Maha Sarakham, Billboard Mukdahan, Billboard Yasothon, Billboard Roi Et, Billboard Loei, Billboard Sakon Nakhon, Billboard Surin, Billboard Si Sa Ket, Billboard Nong Khai, Billboard Nong Bua Lam Phu, Billboard Udon Thani. Billboard Ubon Ratchathani, Billboard Amnat Charoen, Billboard Kamphaeng Phet
Billboard Chai Nat, Billboard Nakhon Nayok, Billboard Nakhon Pathom, Billboard Nakhon Sawan, Billboard Nonthaburi
Billboard Pathum Thani, Billboard Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya, Billboard Phichit, Billboard Phitsanulok, Billboard Phetchabun, Billboard Lop Buri, Billboard Samut Prakan, Billboard Samut Songkhram, Billboard Samut Sakhon, Billboard Sing Buri, Billboard Sukhothai, Billboard Suphan Buri, Billboard Saraburi, Billboard Ang Thong, Billboard Uthai Thani, Billboard Chanthaburi, Billboard Chachoengsao, Billboard Chon Buri, Billboard Trat, Billboard Prachin Buri, Billboard Rayong, Billboard Sa Kaeo, Billboard Kanchanaburi, Billboard Tak, Billboard Prachuap Khiri Khan, Billboard Phetchaburi, Billboard Ratchaburi,

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